- 法人向け、パソコン買取・処分・販売の株式会社アールキューブ
- Dealer sales and materialization
Dealer sales and materialization
It is a business that sells products that are not suitable for recycling or reuse by using our unique sorting technology in Japan.
Old information devices that cannot be reused will be disassembled by this department and sorted by component. Not only does it have the ability to handle 20,000 to 30,000 warehousing of PCs per month, but it also maintains an environment where you can work while paying close attention to data leaks in those devices.
In addition to personal computers, we sell a wide range of products such as information equipment such as network equipment and printers, various industrial equipment, parts, and home appliances to each specialist.
Selling various products including personal computers to specialists
As a feature of our company, we receive more than 180,000 PCs a year. Various products such as OA equipment, industrial equipment, parts, home appliances, etc. will also arrive at the same time with the PC’s. These products are finely sorted and sold to specialists for the next life cycle.
Products that have reached the end of their life cycle are disassembled as materials or subdivided into individual components. Usable parts will be sold to specialists as they can reach the next life cycle. We will also subdivide the materials in consideration of their respective contents, etc., and use them as materials for various products to enter the next life cycle. These materials are also our products.